This is the first "Personal Computer" (not Altair, not Scelbi, not Micral) ?
Saturday, April 9, 2011, 03:30 PM
Posted by Administrator
This development system was created from Intel in 1972, and its CPU is an Intel 8008.

I didn't found so much infos about it yet, but it seems to be the oldest computer with a 8 bit CPU in one desktop case.
Some additional pictures can be found here: here ... o-1972.htmor even here larger list of these earlier machines can be found here: is a Youtube video about a working Intellec 8 system: was in fact the Intellec-8 mod 80)
In german, but still interesting:
http://computermuseum.informatik.uni-st ... intellec8/I know there was an OS named ISIS for the Intellec-8 mod 80 (which had an Intel 8080 inside).
If someone have more information about an OS for the 8008 version, please tell me or comment it - thanks.
The R2E Micral was mentioned in a blog entry already: ... 219-210000