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I have prepared a new blog with wordpress at !!!

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Such a cute portable ... and unreachable still (to rare, to expensive...) 
Saturday, August 9, 2008, 10:39 AM
Posted by Administrator
Still dreaming of a Otrona Attache portable CP/M computer, it's very handy (for 1982) and despite of this is still a full featured machine.
This picture shows another model with different floppy disk drives compared to the one I already have shown at ...
I have seen a few in Ebay shops in the US, but they are really expensive (up to $ 400) and this is not what I looked for unfortunately.
But still, it's amazing to see such one and dream ...

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Vintage computer pages disappearing again and again.... 
Monday, August 4, 2008, 08:28 PM
Posted by Administrator
It happens... I talked about it a few blog entries before already....

Miguel's Amstrad software and compiler pages seems to be lost (I mirrored his MESCC Small C variant now) ...

Randy McLaughlin's S-100 Manuals Site is gone also

May be somebody mirrored Randy's pages already, but I didn't found any mirror yet.

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Many interesting documents (e.g. PDF) can be found at 
Thursday, July 31, 2008, 05:57 PM
Posted by Administrator
Many of you already know that there is a gold mine for old (often scanned) documents at , users and service manuals and other technical documents as well.
If not, try it (see reated link below), it's amazing what can be found there !!!
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Back from holidays, a Philips P2012 with a CoPower card is waiting... 
Tuesday, July 29, 2008, 10:15 AM
Posted by Administrator
I was really happy getting back from holidays and finding a big package in my house corridor - a Philips P2012 equipped with a CoPower 8088 card, which make it possible to run not only Z80 based CP/M 2.2 but also MS-DOS 2.11 on the coprocessor card (THANKS TO
Initial problems with non booting "boot diskettes" slowed my enthusiasm a bit down, but a bit later I was able to boot with the 508KB RAMDisk (for CP/M 2.2!) and also with MS-DOS 2.11, see my new pictures at the Philips P2000 pages also. I am still curious if a newer version of MS-DOS exists for the Philips P20xx series ... still searching for it. Any hints welcome ;-)

Below a picture of the "booted" MS-DOS on a Philips P2012:

The CoPower Card:

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TCP/IP stack for CP/M based systems ? 
Friday, July 25, 2008, 04:00 PM
Posted by Administrator
Following the discussions about a possible implementation in comp.os.cpm, I asked myself for what reason would this a goal ?

On an early try is ready for download, but it's made for a Xerox 820, nowadays a real rare computer.

If you "google" for a while, you find additional tries at . A new project covering similar ideas can be found at named "KCNET", adapted for a KC85 and additional interface hardware.

Corrected after a discussion in comp.os.cpm:

Assuming that you also need applications for the network stack, these tries will consume a lot of memory from the TPA of CP/M, and the execution speed of all things together (not only the interface program) is awful (guess why...). I am not convinced this make any sense, because a rich connectivity can be implemented also via serial port and KERMIT (see also my page how to build an adapted kermit version) or an external box which translates KERMIT commands to FTP.

Also, an other approach can be much easier... just implement a smart interface card with an ATMEL microprocessor and an Ethernet interface would be gorgeous, the ATMEL could simulate KERMIT or an other known communication protocol or even a kind of CP/Net - but not just a TCP/IP stack without any application.

I've found the hardware module which is used for that stuff at , it's very interesting, but as I already wrote, without an application like FTP on the Z80 side it will be almost useless.

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