ZX81 Kits still available. A MS-DOS 1.x and 2.x version assembler source.
Sunday, August 21, 2011, 10:00 PM
Posted by Administrator
A few mixed news here:
Found a web site which still offers ZX81 kits.
Like in the "Good old days", you can create your own, brand new ZX81.

Just visit
http://www.zx81kit.com/zx81_kits.htmThe costs ? A bit expensive... £199.99
Very interesting, too:
A (self made) ZX80 replica board, looks very similar compared to the original:
> 8bity.cz <
If you need a keyboard, you can get it from
> sellmyretro.com <...
Also revisited again and still available... MS-DOS 1.x/2.x sources almost finished on a czech web page. It's name is MICRODOS and LT-DOS.
Here is the "google" translated page link:
http://translate.google.de/translate?js ... mp;act=urlCompared to FreeDOS it's much smaller. So it's very interesting as a base for an embedded PC, but also interesting to port it to a vintage PC back ;-)