Micromint SB180FX resurrected ... and it's running well
Sunday, May 19, 2019, 10:00 PM
Posted by Administrator
After I got some CP/M machines last year, I had no time to check and test them.
I swapped the Portable CP/M machine already against 2 Microprofessor MPF-1, and the TCS Genie IIIS didn't work (a bit oxidized socketed ICs on the mainboard could be the reason).
But I had luck, my fastest CP/M machine ever worked !!!
First, I checked the power suppy, but I didn't found anything unusual or defect.
Then I checked my WYSE WY-60 terminal, because the Micromint does not have a build-in video interface (except the GT180 card, but which is not used for operating system command in- and output). After I rediscovered how to get into the SETUP of the terminal (Shift-Select did it!), I got it tested with a loopback connector (pin 2-3 4-5 and 6-20 connected), and it worked.
Now I plugged the power cable and also the RS232 cable for the terminal connection, and voilĂ , it runs (exception: BDOS-Error on Drive B ... not sure about it yet):

P.S.: It's really fast, but I expected this already from a 9.2MHz Z80-compatible system.
It has 2304KB RAM in total, and can make use of all RAM. Also, there is a build-in SCSI controller (NCR-chip), and I have also a XEROX SCSI HDD for it, but not yet tested.
Later added: Drive B: is working, but has a different format, because it's an 80 track drive.
The 'related link' points to an overview of all available software disks.