UCSD p-SYSTEM for IBM PC - bootable and not MS-DOS related, not the usual psys22.zip file
Saturday, August 26, 2017, 12:00 PM
Posted by Administrator
Looking for the Pecan UCSD Pascal / p-system disks (which can't be found for download in the Internet), I digged out two disk images while visiting an almost unknown forum.
Because the images were in IMD format, I had to unpack them first with IMDU before I can try it with a virtual PC (VMware Workstation etc). But the images were not usable (or seems to be not usable). But I didn't stop trying and I also took PCem for it, and while choosing an "IBM PC" for emulation, it suddenly works (it stops booting for about 10 secs, but went on working, showing the start menu selection !).
So the first learning was, it does
ONLY run on 8088/8086, not on a later Intel CPU (like 286, 386 a.s.o).
This is it after booting (doing nothing else):

And these are the contents of the two disks, showed with "(F)iler":

Last but not least this is the (unusual) editor:

The disk images are in RAW format, and have a structure of 40 tracks, single sided, 8 sectors/track. Not sure if this can be changed to an other disk format, because you have to change the p-System code also.
See related link for the attached ZIP file with the disk images.
P.S.: I have also a page for UCSD software, see >