Interesting device for (real, not emulated) old CP/M computer : A "serial" mass storage (uDRIVE-uSD-G1)
Thursday, August 12, 2010, 07:59 PM
Posted by Administrator
Can be seen here:
You only need a power supply with 3.6V-5.5V.
It has a serial interface (TTL levels) with auto-baud feature from 300 to 256K baud rates.
You can use microSD cards up to 2GB (formatted with FAT16).
It's very small and should fit in any vintage computer case.
The price is really fair - $29 is not really expensive.
I've even found a distributor in Europe ( ).
If you're curious about the commands you have to send, take a look into this PDF: have to add a MAX232 or a similar chip for converting voltage level to RS232.
P.S.: Meanwhile I have created an own page for it, see
P.P.S.: 4D Systems does not sell nor produce it anymore.
Milford Instruments sells it now (search for udrive on their web page).