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Microsoft's new "Privacy Statement" and conclusions: BE WARNED 
Monday, August 10, 2015, 10:20 PM
Posted by Administrator

No, not only Microsoft is collecting data from all users. This is done also by Apple & Google.
But they didn't do it in such an amount until Windows 10 arrived....

All of the data which will be collected is just to improve your personal expirience. This means you will get tons of advertisments but these are more personalized. Or at least unwanted "suggestions". Ugly.
Many settings are present also to reduce this acquisitiveness, but most of the very new functions can't work without collecting data from you. Cortana, your new speech recognition for example. Hand writing recognition, which adds also new learned words.
Even your Wireless LAN passwords can be shared... you don't want this by accident, I guess.

See also these articles: ... t-settings,2817,2489212,00.asp ... need-know/ ... -settings/

Meanwhile there are tools out there, which easily controls these settings, too.
If you're too careless, you get a new data collector installed instead. offers a tool like that, "DoNotSpy10".
This software is ok for public use, until you accept also some setup options at the time of installation - new, unwanted ad-ware or even new spy software.
So really take care and READ the options of the setup program, or do not use "DoNotSpy10".

Added a bit later: There is also a script/batch file, which can improve privacy. Please take a look inside the file (it's text, not a binary) first. See

Added again later: New bad news ... Windows 10 does not use certificate pinning, means someone can easily apply a man-in-the-middle-attack for each Microsoft cloud-access for example. Explanation for certificate pinning ? See >here<.
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Extracting floppy drivers out of Windows 7 (for using them with Windows 10) 
Saturday, August 8, 2015, 11:30 AM
Posted by Administrator
May be some of you still using (USB) floppy drives with Windows 7 ?

You want to upgrade to Windows 10 ?
May be this is interesting for you ...

Two driver files are necessary for it:
\windows\system32\drivers\sfloppy.sys and
extracted out of an existing/working Windows 7 installation (may work with Windows 8 also).

Additionally you need the description/installation files located in \windows\inf:
fdc.inf and
(and perhaps also fdc.pnf and flpydisk.pnf).

These .inf files can be used to reinstall the fdc and floppy driver again, e.g. for a Windows 10 installation. At the moment I am not aware of offerings from Microsoft itself regarding the subject "floppy drive support". I've read they said only, go to your drive manufacturers pages and look for drivers.... good luck anyway for it.

Added a bit later: There is also a sample driver for a "super floppy", see
To compile the driver, you need the Visual Studio Community 2015 and Windows Driver Kit (WDK) 10, offered at, also.
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Don't miss "Classic Computing 2015" - THE vintage computer exhibition and festival in Thionville 
Monday, August 3, 2015, 08:02 PM
Posted by Administrator

Don't miss it. You will see a lot of vintage computers and video game consoles from the eighties and beyond, many computer enthusiasts and lover of old but gold home computer equipment, starting with Amstrad, and stopping with Zenith.
Thionville is located in France, but it's really nearby Saarlouis in Germany, so enthusiasts from germany can visit it without conquering long distances too. See related link for more infos.

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Very interesting project - a microbee emulated in (almost) one FPGA 
Monday, June 29, 2015, 09:00 PM
Posted by Administrator
The Microbee was an Australian made Z80 based computer that was able to run CP/M 2.2 and 3.0 - and it even had already some pixel graphics capabilities.

Getting such a computer isn't simple, and I do not live in Australia (btw. wonderful country).
But working with real hardware and not "emulated on PC" is still a great idea.
On you will be able to read all about using a FPGA development board or even a selfmade pcb for it.
With it's version 2, even harddisk access and color graphics is implemented.
And it's working with a standard VGA monitor, a PS/2 keyboard and a SD card. That's all.

It looks like this (photo taken from the above mentioned web site):

So just go on and visit the web site above mentioned (or see related link also below).

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Windows 10 - why it can be the wrong update ... 
Tuesday, June 9, 2015, 10:00 PM
Posted by Administrator
Yes, almost every Windows user is talking about Microsoft's "gift" to all humans. Windows 10.
It's totally free for legal Windows 7 and later users, you get a total renewed, modern Windows version. That's not the whole story.

Why it can be the wrong choice:

If you are a vintage computer collector, you will still using floppy drives (even USB driven ones).
This is what you see if you connect a (USB) floppy drive to a Windows 7 computer:

(sorry for the german, but I'm sure you still guess what it means)

And this is what you see if you connect a (USB) floppy drive to a Windows 10 computer:


Also, if you hate Solitaire and other Windows games, Windows 10 is your choice too. Because the games are missing now. But you can get some in their shop.

More sophisticated authentication and encryption methods in Windows 10 needs a TPM 2.0 chip.
Also, in some cases you need a newer UEFI BIOS version, older PCs don't have such a BIOS.

Cloud integration is now omnipresent. You don't have really a choice.
Windows 10 will even force you to use the cloud in some cases.

You hate to have control over your own Windows Update adjustments ? Then Windows 10 is good for you. You will not have the choice, Updates are always forced, not only notified.

You want to look a movie on DVD ? Playback is not anymore integrated in Windows 10. Use third party software or wait for a Windows 10 extension for extra money.

There will be no installation media anymore. You have to download it always. License is tight to a specific hardware. You will not able to install it on other hardware anymore.

And last but not least don't believe Microsoft is not interested in making money. You ever got in touch with micro payment and DLCs ? That's your future.
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